This is a list of places for econ and econ-adjacent undergrads to find potential places to work. This is a work in progress.
If you are a faculty who is sharing this with your class, can you shoot me an email to let me know (
If you would like me to add your organization, you can also just send me an email with the link to the careers page.
The American Economic Association also has some resources.
Pre-doc / Research Assistant
*Econ RA Twitter Account
*Econ Job Market RA Positions
Policy Research, Think Tank or Advocacy
*Brookings Institution
*Pew Research Center
*Urban Institute
*Center for American Progress
*American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
*State level policy
Policy Research, Government Contract
*Abt Associates
*American Institutes for Research
*Mathematica Policy Research
*Child Trends
*Federal Reserve (board and regional banks) (Technically, only quasi-govermental?)
*Federal Government or agency-specific website
(They take a long time, so apply early)
(Taken a couple of stats class and math? Look under statistician and math stat as well as analyst or economist)
(Particular agencies to check: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, USDA Economic Research Service, Congressional Budget Office)
*Federal hiring path for students
*ORISE fellowships and PMF fellowships
*You can also check out state governments
Banking / Consulting
*Analysis Group
*Cornerstone Research
*Charles River Associates
*Capital One
*JPMorgan Chase
*Morgan Stanley
International Orgs
*International Monetary Fund
*World Bank
*Inter-American Dev Bank
*International Food Policy Research Institute
*Everywhere? In large companies, there is often a Chief Economist with a small staff of junior economists.
*Progressive Places w/ Unions
*Springboard to many sectors: market research, credit analytics, data science, finance, but also business management, law, entrepreneurship